Trevor Larkin — The Monarch Review
It’s time for the new Allen Stone record! – Trevor Larkin
Friday, February 9, 2018 12:20 — 2 Comments
Hi, everybody. My name’s Trevor Larkin, and I play guitar in Allen Stone’s band. I’m also a solo artist, co-host the Not Famous Podcast and write everyday via my email newsletter, the Mind of a Trevor. Below is the first of three installments from the studio. Enjoy! This time around, we’re posting up at the historic Sound Emporium in Nashville, TN. It’s my favorite studio in town – the Sound Emporium feels like an audiophile’s rustic cabin retreat, complete with coffee-ringed, well-thumbed editions of Sound on Sound, pleasantly worn leather couches and an ornate wooden throne. Jason Isbell and Sturgill […]
The answer isn't poetry, but rather language
- Richard Kenney