Sara Brody — The Monarch Review
Alex’s Parrot – Sara Brody
Friday, July 17, 2015 16:23 — 0 Comments
I am beginning to worry that my parrot is ill, but he dodges interrogation. I’ll say, “How are you feeling today?†and he’ll say, “How are you feeling today?†I’ll say, “Do you want a Ritz Bit?†and he’ll quote Nietzsche. He once belonged to my brother Alex, who is dead. A lot of people I know are dead. This happened when I was sixteen. That night I sat up in Alex’s room with the parrot, watching the lava lamp. At around three in the morning I tucked the cage under my arm and crept downstairs, intending to take my […]
The answer isn't poetry, but rather language
- Richard Kenney