Poetry — May 7, 2012 13:00 — 0 Comments


It’s OK. I have knees. My hotel
is in my back. I have successfully

committed suicide so many times
that Julie doesn’t even complain anymore.

Remember Julie? God, she was perfect.
Now there’s just Mom’s ashes. It gets worse.

Listen to this. I’m barefeet in a Publix
and the woman owner is telling me to leave,

so I go home, get on match.com and the first
woman I click on looks so sad that I wonder

if she just got stabbed by a Chinese grad student.
Remember Julie? God, she was beautiful.

When I think about taking pills, it’s like a light
breeze. I don’t even have to take them.

Christ, I remember what it was like
to have a job. It was like crashing.


In March, Gypsy Daughter released Ron's chapbook She Took God and Elizabeth Bagby received a Chicago Theater Critics' Beat Award nomination for Best Actress for her performance in his play All Saints' Day: a.k.a. 44 poems about jeffrey jones at Ruckus Theatre.  In June 2012, Northern Michigan University Press publishes Dandelion Cottage, A Play and Your Map is Wrong: a Collection of Plays Set in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.  This summer Lake Superior Theatre performs Ron's adaptation of Dandelion Cottage, http://www.lakesuperiortheatre.com/dandelion%20cottage.htm.  He also has books upcoming with Wayne State University Press (Spring 2014) and Michigan State University Press (date still being determined).  He likes Camera Obscura and The Mummers, a lot.

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What am I?

Bioluminescent eye
That sees by the shine
Of its own light. Lies

Blind me. I am the seventh human sense
And my stepchild,

Scientists can't find me.

Januswise I make us men;
Was my image then—

Remind me:

The awful fall up off all fours
From the forest
To the hours…

Tick, Tock: Divine me.

-- Richard Kenney