Music — July 10, 2011 16:13 — 2 Comments


DJ Absolute Madman makes beautifully defiant hip-hop.  Soaked in a wide range of influence and affinities, these songs show a command of rhythm and melody reminiscent of the best Def Jux spinners. 

      Lotus Eater
, a down tempo brooder, evokes a delirious Kung Fu meditation filled with chop scratches and swift kick snare hits. 
      Model Citizen
 is a classic anthem. About the song, Madmen commented: “What more can I say about this track except I did it after getting out of the King County Jail.” 
 starts softly enough, sonorous bits of music-box melody floating over the spare melancholy of the bass, but soon enough becomes a cavalcade of sonic ecstasy. This requiem has more in common with an Irish Wake than a somber graveside muttering. The party must go on, it seems to say, and yet the fervor eventually gives way to the final movement, soft enough, again, as tears.



DJ Absolute Madman lives and works in Seattle. He spins for local MC Spekulation, and is a regular performer at the weekly Tuesday night show at Lo-Fi Performance Gallery called Stop Biting. His new album "Don't Talk To Me" will be released later this summer.


  1. Andrew says:

    Model Citizen makes me want to dance.

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