Poetry , — August 22, 2011 13:13 — 0 Comments

I’ve Seen You Before & You’ll Remember Without Touching – Darla Rae Barry Benson, Robb Benson

I am
on the
side of
your road
thumbs drawn
and blue
weighted eyes
pointed down
to run
I have
this life
ten times
in my


Darla and Robb Benson are staples in the Seattle art scene. A visual artist primarily, Darla paints, sculpts, draws and produces art from finished canvasses to manikin outfits. Robb, a musician, songwriter, visual artist and poet has begun work on a new solo project in which this poem will appear in song. The lines of this particular poem were written by Robb and the piece was titled by his wife. More of their work can be seen at http://thetreemind.com.

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What am I?

Bioluminescent eye
That sees by the shine
Of its own light. Lies

Blind me. I am the seventh human sense
And my stepchild,

Scientists can't find me.

Januswise I make us men;
Was my image then—

Remind me:

The awful fall up off all fours
From the forest
To the hours…

Tick, Tock: Divine me.

-- Richard Kenney