Music — March 4, 2014 14:24 — 0 Comments

Evan Flory-Barnes On Hangin Tuff Episode #5 With Don’t Talk To The Cops

Welcome to the new mini-series where we ask five Seattle folk their thoughts on the new music interview and variety show, Hangin Tuff, presented by Bobbi Rich. This week, Evan Flory-Barnes, bassist and composer and all about man of the town, offers his immediate thoughts on episode #5.

Evan Flory-Barnes: Without a doubt, what I see from this episode is that creative, playful, artistic, unruly, misfit spirit that is Seattle and that I love. Period.

Watch episode #5 here:


Among other projects, Evan Flory-Barnes plays bass for Industrial Revelation.

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The answer isn't poetry, but rather language

- Richard Kenney