Poetry — April 21, 2011 13:44 — 1 Comment

Context – Terri McCord

Give a word,
any word—
the meaning is in context.
Like grass,

which is green,
can be brown, maybe is your hair
or is a reed
between thumbs
for makeshift music.
Or maybe it is glass
like the eyes of the dead
turned so black
you want to shoot
marbles with, but
it is too late—
for them

for you—
if you look close eye-to-eye
the reflection, you see—
you are swimming in an oily film,
can’t be pinned.
Does this read well?
Not like the monarch
the butterfly you see
that landed on,
you see,
the wrong blade of grass.


Terri McCord won the South Carolina Arts Commission’s 2002 Literary Fellowship, the 2007 Don Russ Poetry Prize, the 2008 Post and Courier Prize from the South Carolina Poetry Society, and a first place in the 2009 SC Poetry Initiative/The State Single Poem contest. Finishing Line Press published a chapbook The Art and the Wait in 2008. The South Carolina Poetry Initiative chose her second chapbook In the Company of Animals for publication in fall, 2008.

One Comment

  1. Rob says:

    Wow! You never cease to blow me away with your writing.

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What am I?

Bioluminescent eye
That sees by the shine
Of its own light. Lies

Blind me. I am the seventh human sense
And my stepchild,

Scientists can't find me.

Januswise I make us men;
Was my image then—

Remind me:

The awful fall up off all fours
From the forest
To the hours…

Tick, Tock: Divine me.

-- Richard Kenney