Visual Arts Adam Rousseau — October 11, 2016 23:54 — 0 Comments
Art From Adam Rousseau
Adam Rousseau’s art is striking, charming and, despite its intricacies, is easy on the digesting eye. As such, we wanted to feature some of his drawings here and ask him three important questions. Enjoy!
Jake Uitti: When you sit down to draw, what goes through your head?
Adam Rousseau: Most of the time when I’m working I’m really just trying to shut out any extraneous thought and focus on what’s happening on the page/wood panel. It’s very meditative for me in that sense. Music is essential for me getting anything done as well, and I think sometimes what I end up creating is very much influenced by what I’m listening to.
JU: Who did you copy most when you first started drawing?
AR: The three artists who have had the most influence over everything I’ve done since I started making art for myself again have been Ralph Steadman, H.R. Giger, and Stanley Donwood. Most recently I’ve added Darren Waterston to that list.
JU: What’s coming up next for you?
AR: At this point I’m just trying to get better at everything, improve my technical abilities and explore new techniques and concepts. I have a lot of missed time to make up for. Hopefully I can also get some more of this stuff out into the world as well, in one form or another.
The answer isn't poetry, but rather language
- Richard Kenney