Visual Arts — June 20, 2011 23:57 — 2 Comments

Anthony Sonnenberg

Anthony Sonnenberg encrusts bobcats with pearls and integrates gold-leaf, crystal and porcelain into scenes of flamboyant stillness.  His work vividly references the tradition of trophy hunting paired with the lavish interiors of the Rococo movement. Conceptually, Sonneberg is interested in exploring and questioning the cultural constraints that arise from forming personal identity through the lust  of objects, his interest in this subject he credits to growing up in rural Texas where the cultural norm embraced all that was hyper-masculine. Sonnenberg is an MFA candidate at the University of Washington and received his BA from the University of Texas, Austin. He has exhibited at numerous venues in Austin and was featured in the 2011 Texas Biennial. His work has been exhibited locally at NEPO House, an alternative artspace/house on Beacon Hill in Seattle.

The Apotheosis, 2010
Taxidermy bobcat, porcelain, gold luster, gold leaf, fresh water pearls, glass, found objects, mix media.

Beauty is not Benign (bear), 2010
Hand cut brass sheeting, brass piping, bear skin rug
Consists of 24 hand cut and shaped brass plants emerging from a vintage bear skin rug



  1. anne vinsel says:

    wow! love these! when i was in school, i covered a set of football pads w/black velvet, then vintage lace and pearls, so i get your point.

    i’m probably just windowshopping, but could you give me an idea of pricing for the bearskin rug?

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- Richard Kenney