Music — March 13, 2014 11:06 — 0 Comments
John Osebold On Hangin Tuff Episode #1 With Fly Moon Royalty
Welcome to the new mini-series where we ask five Seattle folk their thoughts on the new music interview and variety show, Hangin Tuff, presented by Bobbi Rich. This week, John Osebold, comedian and writer, offers his  thoughts on the season and Episode #1.
John Osebold: I adore Hangin’ Tuff! for all the reasons they enumerate on their indiegogo page: golden age MTV vibe + creative ways to feature a band + Seattle/PNW scenery + mostly on a boat. The faves: Half-Breed playing ‘Know Now’ on the HT boat during a Lake Union sunset; the entire Halloween episode featuring La Luz, Adra Boo’s voice! Host Hobbi Rich and co. have struck the right blend of live performance, music video, interview, and Seattle outing. I want to be on a boat right now.
Watch Episode #1 here:
The answer isn't poetry, but rather language
- Richard Kenney