Fiction — May 23, 2013 13:17 — 0 Comments

Movies 1, 3 and 5 – John Osebold

Movie 1 

1. Title card

2. Darkness

3. Three lights

4. Sound of player piano

5. Player piano

6. Laughter

7. Piano collapses

8. Man in suit

9. Man in suit with trumpet

10. Man in suit with explosion

11. Suit

12. Forest

13. Tree with suit

14. Distant explosion

15. Piano keys in nest

16. Newborn bird

17. Bird flies

18. Bird continues flying

19. City

20. Club with piano

21. Bird plays piano

22. Bird becomes famous

23. Scientists

24. Backwards explosion

25. Wake up from dream

26. Bird on window sill

27. Piano plays by itself

28. Forest inside piano

29. Three lights

30. Credits


Movie 3

1. Hem of skirt

2. Title card

3. Scratches her thigh

4. Waiting

5. Sudden trance

6. The purse and sunglasses she left

7. Credits


Movie 5

1. Title card

2. Black hole in space

3. Tornado

4. Whirlpool

5. Sink drain

6. Man washing hands

7. Seahorse shaped soap

8. Man’s blue eye

9. Woman’s blue eye

10. Seahorse

11. Woman scuba diving

12. Woman surfaces

13. Hawaiian cove, night

14. Palm tree against stars

15. Palm fronds waving

16. Frond shaped nebula

17. Nebula shaped soap suds

18. Man turns off sink

19. Bathroom light off

20. Credits


John is a songmaker, theater/performance maker, writer of fiction and surreal pieces, recording enthusiast, occasional actor, splicer of ephemeral film, and joke machine on twitter, facebook, and the Lobby page of City Arts Magazine. Sometimes he works on projects under the name Jose Bold. He's also in a sketch comedy group called The Habit and a band called "Awesome". (annual December album)

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- Richard Kenney