2021 — The Monarch Review
Apology Wars’ Kyle McAllister on the band, neurodiversity and coming out of COVID
Sunday, May 30, 2021 16:23 — 0 Comments
Apology Wars, the metallic, bursting and booming band that splits time between Seattle and Bellingham, has released this album and, since, two rim-rattling singles, “Better” and “Please Don’t.” But like nearly every other band on the planet, the group was all but shutdown over the past 14 months. But what now? We caught up with the band’s lead singer, Kyle McAllister, to talk inspirations, his nuanced relationship to the world, how music helps him from day-to-day and much more. When did you first find music and what later made you want to invest in it? I come from a musical […]
The answer isn't poetry, but rather language
- Richard Kenney