2016 — The Monarch Review — Page 2
The Elevator and the Pants – Thomas Pescatore
Friday, September 23, 2016 10:25 — 0 Comments
standing in the elevator. There were three of us there. I was standing in the right corner back against the fold we were all wearing pants. After we passed the second floor the two other people huddled close. whispering but I could hear them. “See he has pants on,” one said. we all had pants on. “do you see?” one said. “Yes.” the other said. Their backs were turned to me. I looked down at my pants. ‘I am wearing pants,’ I thought. The elevator doors would not open. How many floors had gone down. ‘They’re wearing pants, too.” I […]
Seattle Superheroes: Andrew Joslyn
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 12:09 — 0 Comments
Master composer, Andrew Joslyn, has been adding his expertise to music all over the Emerald City, including tracks on The Heist and tunes by indie darling, David Bazan. Joslyn influences music culture in and out of the city and, in his spare time, fights evil doers with his magic violin. In short, the strings follow his very command. Art by Marc J Palm.Â
Allen Forest: Ink and Noir
Thursday, September 8, 2016 12:41 — 0 Comments
Allen Forest creates thoughtful, distorted images of people he encounters. And we wanted to show them off. So, below are ten images followed by a little Q&A with the artist. Enjoy! JU: What moments of inspiration helped create this work? AF: I was captivated by Vivian Maier’s photographic work and I decided to do a series with my own interpretations of her characters in her city settings. Eventually I went out and shot my own in Vancouver using different locales and the people there. I was particularly interested in candid situations and expressions, no posing. So I did candid camera. I walked […]
Dinner Delivered
Thursday, September 1, 2016 17:13 — 0 Comments
Below is a story that appeared in Alaska Beyond magazine in September 2016 I open my front door and find a square cardboard box with the words PeachDish emblazoned on the side. With a sense of anticipation, I pick up the heavier-than-expected delivery and take it to my kitchen to see what tonight’s dinner is going to be. Atlanta-based PeachDish, which offers recipes with a southern flavor, is among the dozens of companies contributing to one of the hottest trends in dining today: meal-kit home deliveries. While the services vary greatly, many of the bands allow you to choose savory dishes from […]
Seattle Superheroes: John Osebold
Thursday, September 1, 2016 14:22 — 0 Comments
Hello and welcome back to our regular series, Seattle Superheroes, which has taken incarnations on several different sites but now lands here at home with The Monarch. This week’s installment features one of our favorite Emerald City personalities, John Osebold. It’s no hair-brained scheme to reach out and ask Seattle Superhero, John Osebold, for a hand. Or a follicle. The man – who dons the cape of musician, comedian, writer and artist – without much effort will wrap up any foes and take them to justice. He’s so badass he’ll wig you out! Art by Kyle Addison Bolton
For a Moment She Thought – Bill Cook
Monday, August 22, 2016 10:28 — 2 Comments
She warms a plate of food in the microwave atop her refrigerator. Afterwards, she smokes a cigarette in the chrome dinette chair and flips through the latest issue of Bust. She stops on the page with the fall clothing advertisements after finishing the article about divorce and dating and lust and sex. Last month, it was weight loss and related disorders like binge eating and anorexia and induced vomiting. Joan’s happy she’s only marginally overweight. Though, she’s doing much better. For instance, on her days off she’ll meet Sonia for a jog and then afterwards they’ll make love or go […]
Three Poems – Buff Whitman-Bradley
Friday, August 19, 2016 9:52 — 0 Comments
The cat comes back I have been told by many That an important part Of recovering from cancer Is a positive attitude. Visualize yourself cancer-free And living many more years They tell me Which I most certainly do Each time the pussycat of dread comes Stealing into my consciousness On its furtive little feet To leap up onto the table Knock over the punch bowl And ruin my party. I visualize like mad – Myself as a jaunty octogenarian Hiking in the woods with my kids and grandkids, Swapping harrowing treatment tales With other survivors, Growing older and older with […]
Talking with Mississippi
Thursday, August 18, 2016 16:16 — 0 Comments
Mississippi Jones may not be the most well-known Seattle band in town, but the group may be one of the most surprising. Fronted by Mississippi Brenna, the flutter-voiced, electric-eyed lead singer, the band plays thoughtful, inclusive music aimed at a diverse audience. And the group has a few shows coming up – Aug. 25 at Vermillion and Aug. 27 at inartsnw. In light of this, we wanted to catch up with the band’s frontwoman to get some insight into her writing process. Jake Uitti: When you’re singing to an audience, what’s going through your mind? Mississippi Brenna: I try […]
Seattle Superheroes: ‘Cave Sean’ De Tore
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 11:28 — 0 Comments
Hello and welcome back to our regular series, Seattle Superheroes, which has taken incarnations on several different sites but now lands here at home with The Monarch. This week’s installment features one of our favorite radio personalities, Sean De Tore, in all his selfless sacrifice-to-make-the-world-a-better-and-safer-place glory. Here we see Sean, mild-mannered, at home in his apartment when disaster strikes. The saber-toothed cat has escaped from the laboratory and Sean needs to protect his fellow citizens. Blessed with super strength and a fearlessness only born out of the streets of New Jersey, where Sean is originally from, he dashes out of the […]
Shaun Scott, Millennial Mouthpiece
Monday, August 8, 2016 12:58 — 0 Comments
Shaun Scott is a writer, director and contributor to the Monarch as well as other Seattle publications. His keen insight and his strength in tackling difficult subjects like race, politics and pop culture have him writing some of the most impactful prose in the Emerald City. On top of all that, he has a new book coming out, which he’s been working on for either a year or his whole life, depending on how you count. We talked with him about his process. So you just got a book deal. First question: HOW THE HELL DOES SOMEONE GET A […]
The answer isn't poetry, but rather language
- Richard Kenney